Monday, June 17, 2019

Get To Know The Animals You Eat

Since most people aren't aware of the personalities farm animals display, I decided to make a list of different personalities traits and things about farm animals you may not know about that may change how you look at the animals you eat.


Pigs are considered the fourth most intelligent animals, behind elephants, monkeys, and dolphins. Many studies show that they can learn to play video games, operating the controller with their snout. They are also smarter than dogs. Pigs are incredibly loyal to their herd, and very social animals. When piglets are born, a mother will actually "sing" their piglets to sleep. Pigs also enjoy belly rubs just as much as your dog does! 


According to studies, cows have an amazing memory and can actually remember information for a long period of time! They also are known to hang out with the same cows they "get along with" and form a clique, and avoid hanging out with the cows who have hurt them or they simply don't like. Many cows have even been seen to be crying with real tears when they are in pain or separated from a family member. They also will continue to make noises searching for their loved ones. They love cuddles and despite their large size, are very gentle animals.



One of the most eaten animals, turkeys are also very intelligent and form very strong bonds with their families. Another super cool fact is that a turkeys head can change based on their mood. Turkeys are pack animals, and as mentioned before, have very strong familial bonds! They sometimes travel in the wild with up to 200 other turkeys. Like many animals, turkeys also can form strong bonds with their owners. This turkey named Cornelius demands attention from his dad all the time! (source)


Scientific studies have shown that chickens can actually show empathy for each other. Chickens also have a great memory and can remember up to 100 different faces, including humans! An experiment showed that chickens can realize that just because something that was taken away from their view and is not there, the object still exists. This is something 3 years old cannot comprehend. 


I hope you learned something new about the animals we don't think so much about. Regardless of the species, all animals have different personalities just like we do.

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