Monday, June 10, 2019

Behind Slaughterhouse Walls

Most people don't realize that the food they eat was once a real, breathing, living being. By the time it comes on our plate, you don't see the pain that it went through to get there - it's just a piece of food. The animals on these farms are incredibly abused and mistreated, and many undercover journalists have exposed the cruel realities of factory farms, and this is what they found: 

Chickens are the most abused animal on the planet. Female chickens become egg machines and are forced to constantly reproduce so we can use their eggs. Once they can't produce eggs anymore, they are slaughtered for food. While they are alive, they are "debeaked" which is having part of their beak cut off with a hot blade, with no numbing medication. They spend their short lives in battery cage (a tiny crate with only 67-76 square inches of space - smaller than a standard piece of paper) which is shared with up to 10 birds. Male chickens, on the other hand, are slaughtered immediately after being born because they serve no purpose to the egg industry. They are thrown into what looks like a big blender the day they come into this world.

Pigs, who are known to be one of the most intelligent animals behind dolphins and elephants, also face horrible living conditions. Pigs are also constantly artificially inseminated and spend most of their lives in gestation crates. The crates are so small that the pigs can't even turn around. Their babies are taken from them, castrated and have their tail docked with no numbing medication. They will face the same life of torture as their mom. After only six months of life, they will be sent to slaughter. Many slaughterhouse workers have admitted that pigs sometimes refuse to get off the truck because they know their fate, and the workers have to hit them with a hot blade to get them moving.

Dairy cows are also one of the most abused animals in the industry. People think because milk isn't "killing" the cow, it's not hurting them and not a problem. This is simply not true. Dairy cows are artificially inseminated their whole lives to produce milk. Like humans, cows only produce milk when pregnant. Once the baby is born, if she is a female, she will be ripped from her mother and become a dairy cow as well. If he is a male, he will become a veal and killed after only 16-18 weeks. (source)

Just like humans, animals form deep bonds with their family. We could never imagine our dogs going through this, so why do we do it to farm animals?

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