Monday, June 24, 2019

A Weekly Grocery List For A Successful Vegan Lifestyle

Grocery shopping doesn't have to be dreadful, and as a vegan, I've found it is actually more exciting looking for new foods to try. Below I will share with you some of the things I buy weekly, and other foods you can incorporate into your grocery list whether you're already vegan, or trying to eat more sustainably.

  • Veggies 
  • Whole grains
  • Fruit
  • Proteins
  • Snacks

That is a general list of what anyone would probably look for when grocery shopping, and now I am going to go into specifics.

I am not a fan of most vegetables, but do find the favorites that I can eat daily/weekly. So if you don't see lots of veggies on this list, that is why. But I'm working on it!

  • Potatoes. I love potatoes. Possibly more than any other food. The great thing about potatoes is that you can do SO much with them. I usually just bake them with olive oil and garlic and it is so delicious, and when bought in bulk, it will last you a while. The great thing about potatoes is that they are so affordable and also full of healthy carbs and nutrients.
  • Romaine. As I mentioned, I am not a fan of vegetables or salad, but do find that I can enjoy some romaine lettuce. I definitely do not eat it in a salad, but sometimes just stick in a bowl with some rice or veggie burgers.
  • Rice. Rice is another great affordable food that you can buy in bulk and it should last you for a long time! I love rice because it is so filling and I can also just put it in a container and take it to go. When I first started college and wanted to eat as healthy as possible, I was always eating brown rice. I also find that brown rice gives me so much energy, especially if I eat it a few hours before I work out.
  • Hummus. Another one of my favorite foods. I love eating hummus with carrots, chips, and obviously pita bread. Hummus is a great healthy snack full of lots of healthy fats! I do find it hard to find a hummus that is as good as real authentic Mediterranean restaurant hummus, but there is always a huge selection at grocery stores!
  • Healthy chips. I love getting healthy chips made out of beans or just good ole regular corn chips. 
  • Granola. Another fave. I love love love granola. My favorite granola right now is the Kashi Toasted Berry Crumble. It is so good and has 9 grams of protein per serving (and we all know no one ever eats one serving of anything). 
  • Beans. Beans are yummy and super healthy. Nothing else to say about that!
  • Oatmeal. Another food that is super filling and you can do so much with. Add your berries, nut butter and granola!
  • Peanut butter
  • Skinny Pop
  • Larabars
  • Fruit (my favorites are strawberries, oranges, and apples)
  • Veggie Burgers (Gardein and Beyond Burger are great!)
This is just an example of a weekly grocery list for me. It changes weekly, but you get the gist. 

What snacks do you like? And how do you make your veggies more exciting/ enjoyable? Comment below!

What People Think You Eat On A Vegan Diet vs. What You Actually Eat

A lot of people think when you go vegan, that your diet will be very restrictive. But it's 2019, and more vegan options than ever.

When people ask me what I eat, they usually assume it's this:

Here is what I actually eat:

and this.....

As you can see, veganism is anything but restrictive. Yes, you can eat lots of veggies and salads, but you can also eat donuts, pancakes, cakes, and so much more. Many grocery stores and restaurants are now carrying vegan options (that isn't just salad or french fries) and they are just as yummy as the real thing!

In my over four years of being vegan, I have never felt restricted or upset because I couldn't eat something. I am also very lucky that I live in New York where there are so many vegan restaurants where I can eat wherever I want, and not have to worry about any animal products.

I eat all my favorite foods that I ate before I went vegan, and so much more. Many people worry that you won't be able to find something that tastes similar, but there are so many options. For meat eaters, there have been two amazing plant-based burgers that have come out in our time that taste and look like the real thing.

The Beyond Burger is made out of all plants, contains the same amount of protein, and tastes just like a real burger. You can find these at Whole Foods.

Another burger, that is now being served at many fast food places like Burger King, is called the Impossible Burger.

Both of these burgers are great choices for meat eaters who want to try to eat more compassionately. Almost everyone loves them, even non- vegans!

What's your favorite vegan food? Mine is definitely vegan pancakes from a restaurant called Champs Diner in Brooklyn.

Comment below your favorite vegan thing you're eating right now!

The Different Types of Vegans

There are many different reasons why someone might go vegan. Some do it for the animals, some do it for their health or the environment. In this post, I will explain the different types of vegans, and what is usually most important to them!

1. The Healthy Vegan

Health vegans are vegans who decide to stop eating animal products for health reasons (hence the name!). There are branches of this kind of vegan though. They may have done research and realized that eating a plant-based diet is much healthier than the standard American diet. They may also be very focused on their appearance and the state of their body. Many of these vegans are also fitness lovers who are obsessed with eating lots of veggies and maintaining the best health possible. 

2. The Environmental Vegan

In recent times, many people have turned vegan for health reasons. We are all aware of the effects of animal agriculture on our environment, and that it is the leading cause of climate change, ocean dead zones, and species extinction. This kind of vegan's main concern is the environment and doing everything we can to lower our carbon footprints and prevent wildlife extinction. If we don't take care of our planet, we won't have one to live on, "Animal agriculture puts a heavy strain on many of the Earth's finite land, water, and energy resources. In order to accommodate the 70 billion animals raised annually for human consumption, a third of the planet's ice-free land surface, as well as nearly sixty percent of global freshwater, is devoted to growing livestock" (source)

3. Human Rights Vegan

This is probably the least talked about vegan because many people are not aware of what it actually means. A human rights vegan is someone who doesn't consume animal products due to the awful conditions it puts humans in. Slaughterhouse jobs are one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and many people who work there suffer greatly. Most slaughterhouse workers are immigrants. Not only do workers suffer from PTSD from seeing the brutal annihilation of animals, but also leave with physical injuries as well, such as "musculoskeletal disorders, MSDs, an array of injuries to workers muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves that cause sprains, strains, or inflammation"(source Lowe 5). They also barely make any money to provide for their family, with wages as low as 11 dollars an hour, and long workdays.

4. The Ethical Vegan (may also be called the junk food vegan)

One of the most popular reasons why people go vegan is for animals. Whether they saw documentaries such as Earthlings, Forks Over Knives, or What The Health, they cannot continue to eat the animals due to seeing the horrible treatment animals face. Animals face castration with no pain medications, are separated from their mothers too soon, and are given no time outside to feel the fresh air. Once people realize where their food comes from, they don't want to be part of that anymore. Many people also visit farm sanctuaries where they can interact with animals they once ate, and see that they are loving creatures just like their precious pets at home.

As you can see, there are different reasons why people go vegan. One isn't more important than the other, because they all have a great impact on animals, our planet, and health. I fall under the ethical vegan, but I 100% support the other reasons too.

If you're a vegan or vegetarian, which category do you fall under? Comment below!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Get To Know The Animals You Eat

Since most people aren't aware of the personalities farm animals display, I decided to make a list of different personalities traits and things about farm animals you may not know about that may change how you look at the animals you eat.


Pigs are considered the fourth most intelligent animals, behind elephants, monkeys, and dolphins. Many studies show that they can learn to play video games, operating the controller with their snout. They are also smarter than dogs. Pigs are incredibly loyal to their herd, and very social animals. When piglets are born, a mother will actually "sing" their piglets to sleep. Pigs also enjoy belly rubs just as much as your dog does! 


According to studies, cows have an amazing memory and can actually remember information for a long period of time! They also are known to hang out with the same cows they "get along with" and form a clique, and avoid hanging out with the cows who have hurt them or they simply don't like. Many cows have even been seen to be crying with real tears when they are in pain or separated from a family member. They also will continue to make noises searching for their loved ones. They love cuddles and despite their large size, are very gentle animals.



One of the most eaten animals, turkeys are also very intelligent and form very strong bonds with their families. Another super cool fact is that a turkeys head can change based on their mood. Turkeys are pack animals, and as mentioned before, have very strong familial bonds! They sometimes travel in the wild with up to 200 other turkeys. Like many animals, turkeys also can form strong bonds with their owners. This turkey named Cornelius demands attention from his dad all the time! (source)


Scientific studies have shown that chickens can actually show empathy for each other. Chickens also have a great memory and can remember up to 100 different faces, including humans! An experiment showed that chickens can realize that just because something that was taken away from their view and is not there, the object still exists. This is something 3 years old cannot comprehend. 


I hope you learned something new about the animals we don't think so much about. Regardless of the species, all animals have different personalities just like we do.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

My Day At Happily Ever Esther

It’s not every day that you get to meet a famous pig. For a few years now, I have been following Esther The Wonder Pig on social media. I came across her page on Instagram years ago and read her story. Her dads, Steve Jenkins, and Derek Walter thought were told that she was going to be a mini pig, not growing larger than a big dog; but when they found out she would be the size of a normal commercial pig, their worlds changed forever.

They were faced with the difficulty of raising a constant growing pig in their house right outside of the city of Toronto. Soon enough, they were forced to move to a bigger house with more land. Esther's dad, Steve, started an Esther The Wonder Pig facebook page to post cute pictures, and when the page gained a lot of traction, he decided to start an Indigogo fundraiser, where they raised almost a half a million dollars to create their very own farm sanctuary. They would rescue abandoned and abused animals who needed a home.

They eventually opened their sanctuary to visitors, and I had the opportunity to visit this magical place. My family and I arrived for the tour on a hot summer day and were met with many friendly faces. We signed in and were told to wait and relax until the tour started. They offered us drinks and some light snacks. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming.

A volunteer started the tour and told us about the history of the farm. Although I knew a lot from reading online, getting to see the residences I saw pictures of online was so exciting. We first got to meet the birds of the farm, which included some chickens, roosters and a beautiful peacock. After that, we moved on to the pigs, which was my favorite part because pigs are my favorite animal. I recognized the pigs from online; Len, Bobbie Girl, and Captain Dan. Captain Dan had floppy ears and was so sweet. He came up to the fence and let me touch his snout.

After the pigs, we saw huge cows who were just happily walking around or laying down on the grass. All of the animals looked so happy and at peace; something that was very far from their life before Happily Ever Esther.

And finally, we got to meet the queen of the farm, Esther The Wonder pig and her turkey friend Cornelius. Esther opened the back door of the house with her snout and came outside to say hi to everyone. She went to the bathroom and took a watermelon treat from her dad, which she happily ate while everyone took photos. After that, she took a dip in her piggy pool and laid down and rested a while. Soon after the tour was over, I got to meet Esther’s dads. Steve and Derek are the loveliest people I’ve ever met, and I am so happy I got to meet them and spend the day with some beautiful animals. Her dads even let me go behind her fence and take a photo with her. She was even more adorable in person and I can definitely say meeting Esther and her family was one of the best days of my life. Most people say DisneyLand is the happiest place in the world, but for me, it’s Happily Ever Esther.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Why I Went Vegan And How I Answer Skeptics

5 years ago, I decided to make a huge change in my life; I decided to cut all animal products out of my diet. When I first did it, I remember my family was not happy with me. They said it was causing a huge inconvenience when it came to family dinners and weekly groceries. But I couldn't go back to consuming animals; after what I learned, everything changed for me.  I stopped eating animal products because I learned where my food came from. Once I came face to face with my food, I knew I couldn't continue. It was when I visited my first Farm Sanctuary and had the chance to interact with farm animals that I realized I couldn't eat the way I did before. To me, when I thought of meat, I instantly thought of the face of a beautiful cow or pig. Going vegan was not hard for me. Most people think it's too difficult to give up such a big part of your diet, but once you make the connection, it's not hard at all. There are many things that people worry about when giving up animal products, and I'm here to reassure you that if you do it right, none of it is true.

You won't die from protein deficiency.
Many people believe they will fall ill due to lack of protein on a plant-based diet, but as long as you eat enough calories, there's nothing to worry about. Carbs are the most important group of nutrients because every cell in your body runs off of glucose, which comes from carbohydrates. You can also get plenty of protein from plant-based foods such as beans, nuts, and mock meat. In my five years of being vegan, I have never once had a protein deficiency.

Being vegan is too expensive.
This is especially not true. As a college student, being on a budget was really important, and I had to watch every dollar I spent. When I stopped consuming meat, my grocery receipt actually went down. Meat is considered a luxury, while foods like rice, beans, and potatoes are some of the cheapest foods around. You can also buy them in bulk so they'll last much longer.

If being vegan is the best possible diet, how come B12 deficiencies exist?
The only reason you get B12 from meat is that the farmers inject the livestock with B12 shots. B12 doesn't come from the animals, but the dirt that fruits and vegetables grow in. Since we have such strict food requirements now and our food is washed so thoroughly, the B12 is not naturally found in animals, but from them being injected with vitamins.

Being vegan is too restrictive.
Also not true. What I eat now compared to what I ate before I went vegan is so different. Going vegan opened me up to so many foods that I didn't eat before. Also, it's 2019, and veganism is growing, so there are so many options now; all different kinds of plant milk, vegan chocolate, and your other favorite foods that can be "veganized".

Although going vegan is a major change, the benefits outweigh any negatives. I may not eat meat anymore, but the changes I've seen from eating only plant foods has been an incredible journey. My skin has cleared up, I have way more energy than I did before, and most importantly, I can go to bed every night knowing I haven't caused any animals any harm.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Behind Slaughterhouse Walls

Most people don't realize that the food they eat was once a real, breathing, living being. By the time it comes on our plate, you don't see the pain that it went through to get there - it's just a piece of food. The animals on these farms are incredibly abused and mistreated, and many undercover journalists have exposed the cruel realities of factory farms, and this is what they found: 

Chickens are the most abused animal on the planet. Female chickens become egg machines and are forced to constantly reproduce so we can use their eggs. Once they can't produce eggs anymore, they are slaughtered for food. While they are alive, they are "debeaked" which is having part of their beak cut off with a hot blade, with no numbing medication. They spend their short lives in battery cage (a tiny crate with only 67-76 square inches of space - smaller than a standard piece of paper) which is shared with up to 10 birds. Male chickens, on the other hand, are slaughtered immediately after being born because they serve no purpose to the egg industry. They are thrown into what looks like a big blender the day they come into this world.

Pigs, who are known to be one of the most intelligent animals behind dolphins and elephants, also face horrible living conditions. Pigs are also constantly artificially inseminated and spend most of their lives in gestation crates. The crates are so small that the pigs can't even turn around. Their babies are taken from them, castrated and have their tail docked with no numbing medication. They will face the same life of torture as their mom. After only six months of life, they will be sent to slaughter. Many slaughterhouse workers have admitted that pigs sometimes refuse to get off the truck because they know their fate, and the workers have to hit them with a hot blade to get them moving.

Dairy cows are also one of the most abused animals in the industry. People think because milk isn't "killing" the cow, it's not hurting them and not a problem. This is simply not true. Dairy cows are artificially inseminated their whole lives to produce milk. Like humans, cows only produce milk when pregnant. Once the baby is born, if she is a female, she will be ripped from her mother and become a dairy cow as well. If he is a male, he will become a veal and killed after only 16-18 weeks. (source)

Just like humans, animals form deep bonds with their family. We could never imagine our dogs going through this, so why do we do it to farm animals?

Monday, June 3, 2019

Introduction to Living Compassionately

We love and care so deeply for our pet dogs and cats. We would do anything for them, and to get them a life full of happiness and love. But as soon as the dog becomes a pig or a cow, they become food. Even though they feel the same pain and emotions as our beloved pets, we draw the line and ignore their will to live, because our society has deemed them as food, not a companion animal. My hope for anyone who comes across this blog is to just think about where their food comes from more. I just want people to see that it doesn't matter what animal it is - whether it's a puppy or a piglet, they all feel pain and want to live, regardless of their species. In no way is this me trying to force my opinion or lifestyle on others, just to inform people. I hope this blog helps you on your way to living more compassionately.