Friday, July 19, 2019

Interview With A Plant Based Dietitian!

As the plant-based diet trend continues to grow, so do the number of dietitians who promote this lifestyle. When I became vegan, I turned to Youtube to find other vegans to get ideas and inspiration for my own vegan life. One of the Youtubers I watched was a girl named Amanda Sevilla, also know as Applesandamandas on Youtube. 

1. How long have you been vegan?
I have been vegan for 4.5 years.

2. As a dietitian, what have you learned most about a plant-based diet and the way it affects the body?

A plant-based diet has a profound impact on the arteries, kidneys, blood circulation, brain health, and most importantly, digestion. It is naturally lower in fat, void of exogenous cholesterol, low in saturated fat, and high in antioxidants, water, and fiber. Of the 10 leading causes of death, 7 of them (heart disease, cancer, lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, and diabetes) are diet-related and a plant-based diet has been shown to remarkably improve the state of health with those who suffer from these illnesses.

3.  Since becoming a dietitian, have you found more evidence that a vegan diet is the healthiest diet to be on?

Absolutely. I am exposed to HUNDREDS of people at the hospital who all come for- what I have learned-problems related to their current condition which is usually preventable such as heart disease, diabetes type 2, and kidney disease. Being a dietitian has also primed my brain for reading studies and articles, and I've only found good things about a plant-based diet whereas there are good and bad things about other ways of eating i.e. keto, low carb high protein, etc.

4. What would you recommend to people who want to become vegan but are having doubts about the health aspects?
Do your research! Read The China StudyWholeProteinaholicHow Not To Die, and more. But don't just stop there. Research the claims made in these books and your own oppositions. Find out how to read studies and see which studies/information is funded and by who. It might blow your mind how much-biased information is out there. Pretty much all studies I've found that support plant-based eating is not funded by The Vegetable Industry or The Fiber Department. Make sure you use your own judgment to come to your own conclusions.

5Would you recommend veganism to all your patients?

I definitely would. However, it is not appropriate at the hospital/acute care level to suggest to someone to change their whole diet at home while they are laying in bed. I offer information and let them know that they can speak with me if they want information. Usually, the plant-based print outs I leave are from the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

6. How has becoming a vegan changed your life personally?

It has taught me so much about patience when talking to people, about how to navigate social situations, how to be friendly but not a pushover when it comes to my beliefs. It has given me a reason to stand up for something, to spread something. Being vegan solidified my childhood dreams of becoming a physician and now I'm actually working my way to achieving them. Before I wanted to save people but I didn't know how to. Now I do know how to, and it starts on the plate.

If you want to follow Amanda on social media, you can find her on Instagram or subscribe to her on Youtube

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